NorthernLights Ginseng is produced on a family operated farm and is available by mail order or from our distributors.

We offer fresh and dry four year old ginseng roots.

Potted four year old ginseng plants.

•Ginseng Information and Farm Background    •Information de Ginseng et la ferme

Ginseng versus Viagra Article    •Faces of West Quebec Article    •Homepage

Potted Ginseng Plants

Plantes de ginseng en pot



I have available, whole roots (retail and wholesale).

Four year old potted ginseng plants.

Please inquire about availability of products and prices.


Alfons Kuhn
Northern Lights Ginseng Farm
100 chemin Wyman
Quyon, Quebec, Canada J0X 2V0
(819) 647 3594


Links related to the Farm

 Check out my new on farm furniture site, the link is below.


Quebec Ginseng? China loves the precious root produced in Canada (scroll to bottom of page).

American Ginseng Immonostimulating Activity In Vitro

Insects that Pollinate American Ginseng


A personal note

This is 2005, it is over 5 years since my wife died of cancer, I am still here on the farm and grow ginseng

on the only commercial ginseng farm in western Quebec and eastern Ontario.

I apologize for any inconvenience the not working e-mail link on my previous web page caused.

Thank you for visiting my web site.

For anyone interested in my personal web page, here is the link:

•Ginseng Information and Farm Background    •Information de Ginseng et la ferme

Ginseng versus Viagra Article    •Faces of West Quebec Article    •Homepage

Potted Ginseng Plants


Updated: January 2010